“Life isn’t a wish granting factory !”
Those were the words of famous writer John Green that inspired me to wake up and do something about my hidden love for writing. Don’t get me wrong, i am a smart, hardworking, charismatic woman with nothing short of a remarkable social competence, but i somehow managed to hide behind numerous excuses as to why i was not writing at any particular time. From “i do not have the time” to “i need to wait abit, to make sure i am good enough.” The days of beating around the bush are over. After all, life will never give you everything on a silver platter. I finally got the courage to take a risk and do something about it., i am joining the masses, i am creating my own blog. To me it is a very big step. I know it is not easy but i am ready to enjoy the ride. My aim is to give hope to those who have a passion to do something but do not have the strengh and courage to take a risk. It took me time to believe i can do it, i hope to make it easier for other people. I intend to share and exchange thoughts, ideas and insights about life with you, hoping to inspire and get inspired by one person or another. My message, you are unique and have something special in you. Do not be afraid to reinvent yourself!!
Source: About the site